Monday 30 April 2012

Falling asleep.... while still on foot!

How about a day out in your friends' farm? That really tired out little Miguel! He could not wait until we finished eating and fell asleep while he was on foot :)
Happy Birthday Raquel!
Raquel's cake was a success! I made it... yes I did! It took a lot of hard work but it was all worth it! Her school friends were really amazed to see the cake and the party organiser hardly wanted to cut it up... what a pity she said!
A ballet lesson... really enjoyed watching the little ballerinas!
This was a little update on my blog... I haven't updated it for a while. A lot of things happened and I am always so busy. Now with the good weather I can't stay inside ... I just keep finding excuses to go out with the children and enjoy the warm weather with them.

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