Monday 6 February 2012

Sunday 5th February

We have been out all day on Sunday. We celebrated dad's and my brother's birthday but as usual I keep forgetting... sorry brother... I forgot your gift :) Hope to see you soon again on Sunday or any day if you wish to come here. The cake was great but the meal was not well cooked. A little monster decided to turn off the oven for me and the chicken was only half cooked! What a pity!

I have spent many hours knitting this week. I have made these two hats, a pair of socks and will make another pair soon! 

Finally I got these two items ready and for sale on ebay. They are lovely and took hours to make but it seems that no one appreciates or all the world has gone poor! No bids for days puts you off trying to do something to help your own financial situation :( Thank God we are not that low but it would have been nice to be able to sell. It's such a satisfaction to be able to earn something! I can't make them at a lower price, they are the cheapest I can put them. Postage costs are something I cannot avoid.

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