Friday 27 January 2012

Ponchos, hand crocheted in double knitting yarn. All proceedings for charity!

I'm still learning how to use this blog and today I found out why my posts appear without a title! Simply because I had not noticed the empty space at the top of the screen! It must be the rush of the day. Little one is always buzzing around looking for naughty things to do... like dropping crisps and trying to sweep the floor :) He's so funny! I can not stop following him though while I'm a the computer as it's easy for him to get hurt. The playpen became quite useless as he can climb out of it like spider man! Raquel is quiet now but we're insisting on her to take care of her things rather than let them lie around. It's not an easy job but she's learning. Children grow so fast and learn so quickly... all it takes is motivation!

I can't stop thanking God for what we have and who we are.  Today I met a friend of mine who has been to Africa. I was amazed by the stories she related from her first hand experience. God bless all children and all the volunteers who give their precious time for them.

I appeal to all those who can help a voluntary organisation to help by sending a donation if they cannot spare time. I am not able to give help to poor children as mine still need so much attention. Maybe one day when they grow up I'll be able to visit a poor country and give some of my time too. At the moment I am potting some plants to sell through a bazaar for Kenya. A friend of mine also crocheted ponchos and my aunt is trying to sell them through her shop. Prices vary according to sizes. If you are interested please leave a message. Other colours are available on request. I can list them on ebay for you when they are ready.

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